Procedure A
dry cleaning solvent (see below) using a damp towel. Blot, don't rub!
Repeat until clean. Rinse with water using with a damp towel. Blot dry
by standing or kneeling on a dry towel.
Procedure B
or blot up excessive spill. Apply Heaven's Best Spotter using a damp
towel. Blot, don't rub! Rinse with water using with a damp towel. Blot
dry by standing or kneeling on a dry towel.
Procedure G
or blot up excessive spill. Freeze by using ice cubes. Shatter with a
blunt object (the back of a spoon, etc.). Vacuum chips away before they
Procedure L
nail polish remover (a non-oily type) using a cotton swab to apply to
the spill. Don't soak the area, just dampen. Pickup softened matter,
using a clean white paper towel and push toward the center of the spot
to avoid spreading the material. Repeat until clean. Working too quickly
may spread the stain and/or damage the carpet.
Procedure M
Heaven's Best Spotter using a damp towel. Leave for 3 to 5 minutes.
Blot, don't rub! If the stain is removed, finish with a water rinse,
blot, and dry by standing or kneeling on white paper towels. If the
stain is not removed, continue as follows: apply hydrogen peroxide
solution (see below), let stand 2 to 3 hours under several clean white
towels with weight on top. Repeat application of hydrogen peroxide
solution until clean. Blot dry by standing or kneeling on several white
paper towels. Apply white vinegar (undiluted), but only after the stain
is removed.
Procedure O
off excess material. Cover with white cotton towel. Apply a warm iron
onto the towel until the material is absorbed. Be sure the towel is
large enough to cover the stained area. Take care never to touch the
iron to the carpet because the fibers may melt. Change the towel or
rotate to a clean area and repeat until all the material is absorbed.
Procedure Q
Scrape off excess material. Lightly rub the area with a fresh slice of white bread. Finish cleaning using Procedure A.
Cleaning Solutions:
Heaven's Best Spot Remover -- Available from your Heaven's Best cleaning professional. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution
-- Mix 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide (found at most grocery stores) with 1
teaspoon household ammonia. Use within 2 hours of mixing. Ammonia -- Undiluted household ammonia. Dry Cleaning Solvent
-- Non-oily, non-caustic type sold for spot removal for garments
(Carbona #10, Energine, etc.). Caution: Solvent may be FLAMMABLE!